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What Is Arc Welding?

Arc welding is an incredibly popular type of welding that is used in different industries, such as shipbuilding, automotive construction, aerospace and construction. The process involves the use of concentrated heat produced through an electrical arc in order to bond metals.

The arc is formed in the material that is the base up to an electrode which is the welding rod or wire and then melts the metal. The welder then can join the melting metal and shape it into the weld.

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Gas Metal Arc Welding (Mig or Mag Welding)

This creates an Direct Current (DC) electrical arc that is formed between the consumable electrode wire and the material of the workpiece that melts them in a process that causes them join. Shielding gas is injected into the welding torch in order to protect the electrode from the arc.

MIG welding involves the use of the gas called metal inert to shield the gas, in contrast, the MAG welding technique employs gas that is active in the metal.

Arc Welding Types?

This method can be classified in two distinct types: consumable and non-consumable electrodes.

Consumable Electrode Methods

Metal Inert Gas Welding (MIG) and Metal Active Gas Welding (MAG)

Also called Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) employs a shielding gas to shield bases metals against contamination.

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Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)

Also called manual metal Arc welding (MMA or MMAW) The flux shielded welding, also known as stick welding, is a procedure in which the arc is smashed between the rod (electrode coated with flux) and the work piece. 

Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW)

It was developed as a replacement in place of SMAW, FCAW uses a continuous supplied consumable cored electrode, and an electric power supply with a constant voltage that provides a consistent length of arc. This method can employ the shielding gas or the gas generated by the flux to offer protection against contamination.

Also Read: Types of Gearboxes

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