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The height and the position that the walls of parapet is only permitted on the balcony, terrace or any other open space inside the house with an overall ceiling height of between 3 and 3.5 maximum and a width that is 9 inches.

However, a parapet wall in the present can be constructed using a variety of types in materials, shapes and patterns, each with its distinct characteristic. Therefore, this article will discuss the different kinds and the importance of parapet walls to ensure that anyone designing a parapet wall can determine what would suit their design best and avoid any confusion.

Also Read: Contour Interval

What is Parapet Define? (Parapet Defined)?

The parapet is a wall which is constructed on the other side of balconies or the roof to guard against the fall of people from the high places. It's the process of extending the brick wall to the top of the Parapet walls. They are the outermost walls that are built at the ends of the roof of structures.

Parapet walls are made of Reinforced cement concrete (R.C.C) Brick masonry, as well as Steel.

The need to Parapet Wall Design in Brick Work

Every home has a terrace that can be used for a variety of purposes like sitting, walking and various others leisure-related activities. There is a chance of human beings falling from a height if there isn't an enclosure wall.

Thus, the parapet wall on roofs are crucial to the structure in order to safeguard and protect those who live there.


Also Read: Floating Slab

Applications of Parapet Wall

Parapet walls constructed of masonry are used for many purposes, some of which are discussed in the following paragraphs:

1. To ensure the safety of humans to ensure they do not fall while they're on the top on the roof of the house.

2. In order to give a stylish look for the building.

3. To conceal and hide the machinery and equipment on the roof.

4. For a beautiful construction.


The height of Parapet Wall

The height of the parapet wall is an important aspect to be considered when building the wall.

The minimum recommended height of the parapet wall must be 3 feet.

The parapet wall is never constructed lower than 3 feet tall. At this high elevation, the wall is protected and provides security.

Also Read: Spread Footing

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