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Promotions for those who play at Box24 Casino

Members of the gaming club are invited to take part in a number of contests and giveaways. Both new and long-time gamblers can benefit from special offers. In addition, valid Box24 casino coupon codes are available and may be redeemed under the «Bonuses» area of a player's profile. Let's see whether there's a way to raise your initial capital using some freebies from the internet.

Get back in the game at Box24 Casino by topping off your account balance.

The following options are available for players to make a deposit:

  • Plastic cards issued by Visa or MasterCard;
  • Internet banking in Australia
  • digital money based on the Bitcoin protocol;
  • Payment options include AdvCash, Payeer (2% fee), Perfect Money, WebMoney, and advcash.

The transfer of funds occurs instantaneously. Wallet, payment system, and plastic card accounts must be the user's own. Whenever a player in https://box24casino.bet makes a deposit in a currency other than the one they selected at registration, the gambling site will convert the funds using their own exchange rate.

Opening a Box24 online account

If you choose to link your account to a mobile phone number, you'll be asked to verify your account by entering a code that was texted to your phone. There will be an email with a link that has to be clicked on. Once the bettor signs in with one of their social media accounts, a fake username and phone number will be generated for them. Both the username and password need to be updated in the profile.

Deposit methods and freebies at Box24 Casino

You won't find a no-deposit bonus in the club's rules. The first present the player will receive is the welcome bonus for making a deposit. There are also three distinct types of bonus based on the initial deposit amount:

  • Free spins and a bonus of 100% are available for deposits of $200 or more.
  • Players that deposit $30 or more will receive a 150% bonus and 100 free spins.
  • Make a first deposit of only $20 and get a 100% bonus plus 75 free spins.
  • The sixth deposit has the same potential. The player will also be rewarded with a bonus of up to 20% on any subsequent deposits.

If you deposit more over $50 USD each week, you'll be eligible for Box24 Mix, a unique weekly reward that awards 35% bonus cash and free spins.

Birthday boys and girls receive unique presents that are tailored to their loyalty account status. The highest possible sum is $1,000. The odds of receiving the bonus are not capped at any point. As a result, your birthday is a potentially fruitful time to amass wealth. You must contact support and claim your reward no later than one week following your name day. Please be aware that the incentive is only available to verified users.

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Почему-то захотелось вновь прослушать про Эйзенхорна и Рейвенора!))
Такие дела когда то были подрасстрельными.Теперь это просто бизнес.
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Интересное. Жаль, что это аудиосериал в процессе: на самом интересном месте закончилось ))