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Narrative Essay about Overcoming a Challenge — Sample 2021 

It is not possible that anyone who has ever succeeded did not face any struggle. In daily life, everyone faces various issues but what makes them unique is how they overcome those essay writing service. Like everyone else, I have also faced a few significant issues. One of the issues that I remember to date is the desire I had to win a gold medal in the inter-school athletic competition and make my parents and school proud. 

The qualifying rounds were to be held twice. I had already failed once and could not let go the second time. I was determined to win the medal for my parents and school at any cost. This resolution reenergized me and I trained very hard without missing any practice. I took every measure to build my stamina and fast running skills. As every day passed, my will to defeat all the rivals grew even stronger. On the day of the second qualifying round, I did my best and was essay writer. At that time, my performance was recorded as best among all the participants. Not only it gave me confidence but a hope that I may have a chance at winning these competitions.

However, this also placed a huge burden on my shoulders. As days of the final competition came near, it started to make me anxious. In addition to this, the weather became colder. One day before the competition, I fell ill and had a high fever. After a medical check-up, the doctor told me that my poor health condition was most likely due to excessive training in the cold weather. He suggested that I take a week off before I could resume school. Dropping out of the competitions at this stage was no option for write my essay. The next day, when I arrived at the stadium, I could see my parents, teachers, classmates, and many students from my schools sitting in the spectator’s gallery to cheer me up. Despite the high fever, I was determined to do my best. 

Before moving onto the conclusion, note that you have to tie the theme of the essay to your conclusion. Check narrative essay examples online to get even a better idea. Reading them with attention to detail will help write better. 

My instructor supported me and took me to a nearby chair, where I rested for a short time. After a while, the Sports Minister distributed the prizes and medals. As my name and my school’s name was called out, I felt extremely proud. With the courage from my parents and instructors, it did not seem write my essay for me. I learned that If I had given up with the excuse of illness, It was never possible to see what I was capable of. 

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