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Average Cost to Level a Pier and Beam House in Texas

Average Cost to Level a Pier and Beam House in Texas: The most common house leveling project that includes “a bit of everything” will usually cost between $5,000 to $8,000 to complete.

How Much Is Pier and Beam Foundation Repair in Texas?

The average cost of pier and beam foundation repair is around $9,500. Due to the nature of foundation repairs, the costs can swing anywhere from a little over $2,000 to $15,000 or more.

What Are The Correct Conditions for Pier Foundations?

Pier foundations are ideal for properties near water or those that are prone to flooding. Areas where storm surge, tidal flooding, or river flooding are potential issues can expose your house to dangerous amounts of water if your foundation is built below ground or directly on the soil.

Foundation piers raise your home above the ground level on stilts, allowing floodwater to pass freely and safely beneath your structure. Pier foundations are also suitable for areas with expansive clay soil, which typically puts excessive pressure on other foundation types and can cause severe structural damage.

Piers reach down to the bedrock deep beneath your home and transfer the structure’s weight to the supportive strata. As a result, the effects of clay soil conditions on your foundation are limited.

Traditional pier foundations are not suitable for areas where the bedrock is very deep beneath the earth’s surface. Pile foundations are a better option in that case, as piles can be driven to depths far greater than piers can sit.

Also Read: How to Fix Squeaky Wood Stairs

Pier And Beam Foundation Repair Cost

The cost to repair a pier and beam foundation can start from $1,200 and extend up to $30,000. It just depends on what needs to be repaired. Repairing a pier and beam foundation requires a lot of man-hours, and that includes working in a cramped crawl space.

There are five ways to repair a pier and beam foundation.

  1. Reshimming – Reshimming only involves making small adjustments. Sometimes, the beams, or joists that rest on the beams, come loose or experience some movement. Small pieces of wood are wedged and installed between the piers and beams to fill any gaps. This type of repair can be done in a day and costs between $1,200 to $7,500.

Also Read: Vertical Brick Cracks

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