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Essay on «The Sun»

As the dawn begins, we who live on planet Earth are greeted by the first rays of the sun. They wake up not only people, but also nature. People wake up, birds begin to trill. From the surface of the Earth, the sun does not seem very big to us, so that at times it seems that you can jump up to it. All of us buy essays for sale — the people, animals, and birds living on this planet — owe our existence to it. The sun is the extraordinary beauty at dawn in the morning, and the hot midday and evening fabulous sunset. But it is more than that. The sun is also a fiery, colossally sized star that is heated to a very high Kelvin degree, reaching a reading of 6,000.

Around this star, called the Sun, revolve all the planets that make up the solar system, including our Earth. Not everyone knew and thought exactly that. The sun gives us just enough light and heat to sustain us. Nature has arranged everything so that if it scorched even a little harder, our Earth would have long ago turned into ashes, and all the oceans, seas and rivers would already be in the atmosphere, in the form of precipitation, that is, would have evaporated. If the temperature of the Sun were lower than what it is now, our planet would most likely have turned into an ice kingdom, without people or animals. We would use https://payforessay.pro/ not have been able to live through such severe frost. Thanks to the gravitational force of the luminary, we (earthlings and our planet) are at the same constant distance from it, this is at the same time a reliable protection from meteorites and comets, which are in constant motion in the universe.

Scientists have calculated that planet Earth receives a very small (if I may say so) fraction of the energy of the Sun (one five hundred millionth), but it is enough to meet the needs of all mankind. Today, cars drive on this energy, factories and plants operate. Some residents do my paper of northern countries use it to heat their homes and to heat water in their water supply systems.

Besides, even in ancient times, primitive people worshipped the sun, considering it a God and a symbol of goodness. So let it shine on us as long as possible.

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