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Original Title Reporter's Secret Visit to keychain tape measure
Non-standard Tape Measure Measuring 5 Meters into 55 Meters Reporter's Secret Visit to Non-standard Tape Measure 5 Meters into 55 Meters Non-standard steel tape refers to a steel tape with a large error such as a ruler marked with 5 meters the actual length is 45 meters or 55 meters According to the national standard the total length error of the 5-meter steel tape should not exceed 06 mm According to people familiar with the situation such tape measures with large errors are not only sold online but also sold in Nanning's physical stores Nanguo Morning Post reporter found that the price of each «5 meters» non-standard steel tape is as high as 60 yuan and the field test error is up to 10% which is more than 800 times higher than the national standard The seller said that this kind of tape is mostly used for decoration projects and carpet sales Relevant departments said that they would investigate and deal with the physical stores selling non-standard steel tapes in Nanning There are two kinds of non-standard steel tape measures sold in a physical store in Nanning The one on the left is «actually 45 meters showing 5 meters» and the one on the right is «actually 55 meters showing 5 meters» & amp nbsp Wang Guangjia/Photo Unannounced visit

Non-standard steel tape hidden under the desk Recently an owner in Nanning reported that he saw someone selling non-standard steel tape on the Internet saying that «the actual 80 cm showing 1 meter» «the actual 110 cm showing 1 meter» and that «the first 3 or 5 meters are standard the back 80 cm or 110 cm show 1 m» the non-standard steel tape provided by the seller Prices range from 10 yuan to 180 yuan The reporter learned from people in the decoration industry in Nanning that non-standard steel tapes are not only sold online but also sold in physical stores in Nanning On January 6 according to the clues provided by people familiar with the situation the reporter came to a hardware store at the North China Road intersection in Nanning to learn about the situation The shopkeeper said that there were non-standard steel tapes for sale Subsequently the other party took out two bags from the desk in the shop which contained dozens of non-standard steel tape measures from which he took out a nominal 5-meter «steel tape measure» saying that «there are big and small depending on the needs of customers» Asked whether they could personalized tape measure
supply goods according to other requirements of the non-ruler sold on the
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Спасибо, Олег, за красивый рассказ! Это моя тема… если можно так сказать)
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Ну что скажешь… Наше Всё!
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Шикарное продолжение первой книге! Автор и чтец молодцы! Благодарю!
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Не знаю насчёт содержания, но читайте вы вполне хорошо. Успехов!
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Девятая глава готова к прослушиванию. Дело приближается к завершению. )
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На мой вопрос сначала ответьте.
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Дашков очень колоритный автор. Читала когда то интервью с ним, произвел впечатление человека на грани сумасшествия.
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Наконец выбралась получить душевное удовольствие.
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спасибо большое!
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Замечательно бодрящий рассказ!