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” Out of the door Bao Qifan is also secretly this Liu Xiang good luck who do not want the head of the matter but now has been the county magistrate to take a fancy to if done well then in the future can be a magnificent secretary of the county magistrate say a word may be more useful than their own office director Ceng Yi chose this Liu Xiang not on a whim before he read all the information have noticed this Liu Xiang Liu Xiang is not welcome this is also a big advantage shows that he has no mistakes in the county complex root with all the forces are not very close to the bottom details at least clean and innocent this is the most important The situation in Fengqing County is now complex in case of heavy duty cantilever racks picking the wrong person then their every move can not hide from others there is an insider tip off they can not do anything Moreover Ceng Yi learned from Han Guisheng that the person who helped deliver the report was Liu Xiang Ceng Yi appreciated Liu Xiang's courage and sense of justice As for other mobile racking systems aspects Ceng Yi felt that they could be changed by pointing out Take Zeng Yi for example he used to be a wandering herbalist When he met with injustice he had to take care of it Even if he didn't agree with each other he could draw his fists against each other But now who dares to say that Zeng Yi is a rookie in officialdom shuttle rack system Half an hour later Bao Qifan led a young man of twenty-eight or twenty-nine years old to come in It was estimated that he was Liu Xiang He was a graduate of a famous university He was very gentle and dressed simply but very clean and refreshing Ceng Yi's first impression of Liu Xiang was not bad He said «I lack an assistant here Xiao Liu you are responsible for it for the time being Director Bao will explain the specific things to you» Liu Xiang said «County Magistrate Director Bao has told me I will work hard to do your service work!» " Ceng Yi nods it seems that this Liu Xiang has sat on the bench these years or some reflection and change at least the kind of arrogance of the great talent is much less If there is nothing else I will go out first Liu Xiang asked for instructions saw that the water in Zeng Yi's cup was not enough immediately filled it up and then politely retreated jracking.com
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